2014年11月30日 星期日







這消息其實好幾天了,補一下。另外看到Nickelodeon官方推特誤用粉絲改過的Fire Lord Izumi圖,還蠻有趣的XDDD



[翻譯]The Legend of Korra - S2E22 - Beyond the Wilds (Book4 EP9)


上一集的總集篇之後,這集終於有新進度!Republic City的Spirit Wild出現騷亂,Korra必須找出背後的原因。

2014年11月29日 星期六

[翻譯]The Legend of Korra - S2E21 - Remembrances (Book4 EP8)



[TLok]Bryan談Book4 EP8的來龍去脈


因為種種緣故,整整遲到一週的文章。關於Book4 EP8是總集篇的內幕,Bryan在其Tumblr提出的解釋,希望大家了解內情後能夠輕鬆看待這一集。

A few preemptive words about Episode 408, “Remembrances”…

關於EP408 《Remembrances》,幾句說在前頭的話...

In a couple hours the eighth chapter of Korra Book 4 will be released online, and I suppose, if you are none the wiser, a few minutes into it you will feel duped and yell at your screen, “Hey! This is a crummy clips episode!” And that is (almost) exactly what it is––except we all worked really hard to make sure at the very least it isn’t crummy. I’m here to explain why we ended up having to do one. Sometime around a year and a half ago we were similarly duped on a large scale. We got the news from the higher-ups that our Book 4 budget was getting slashed, almost to the tune of an entire episode’s budget. We had two options: 1) let go a significant number of crew members several weeks early, or 2) make a clips episode. We never considered the first option. We weren’t going to do that to our crew, and even if we were callous enough to do so, we never would have been able to finish the season without them. But having grown up on TV in the ’80s and ’90s, we all dread clips episodes, where characters sit around saying, “Remember that time when…” and leftover footage is reheated for no one’s enjoyment. Anyone who suffered through TNG’s “Shades of Gray” knows what I’m talking about.

再過幾個鐘頭,Korra Book4的第八集就要在線上釋出了,我想,要是你們不了解情況,看了幾分鐘後,你們就會覺得被晃點,並在螢幕前大喊「這是一集差勁的總集篇!」而這集情況(幾乎)就正是這樣-除了我們盡全力讓你感覺它不是那麼爛。我在這裡要解釋為何導致必須做這樣子的一集。大概在一年半前的某天,我們也遭遇到類似,而且是大大的晃點。我們收到自上級的消息,我們Book4預算受到刪減,刪掉幾乎是一集的金額。我們有兩個選擇:1)是讓製作團隊的核心成員提早幾週離開,或是2)做一集總集篇。我們從沒考慮過第一個選項,我們不會對我們的團隊做這種事,即使我們夠冷血去做這件事,我們也無法在沒有他們的狀態下完成這一季製作。但看過80、90年代電視節目長大的人,都很怕這種總集篇,在那些總集篇中,裏頭角色坐著說「還記得當時...」,然後炒那些沒人想看的回收片段冷飯,任何經歷過TNG《Shades of Gray》節目的人都知道我在說什麼。

Anime fans know this is a common occurrence in Japanese series as well. In fact, as Mike hung his head in disappointment at our fate, I remembered how one of my favorite anime series, Samurai Champloo, made what I thought was a really awesome and clever clips episode. They mixed about 5 minutes of new footage in with the old, and set up a context where the characters would be reflecting on past events while narrating over them, offering new insights or at least providing some humor. I pitched this angle to Mike and he agreed this was the best way to turn this big old lemon into some lemonade.


Back on Avatar, we had something that functioned as a sort of clips episode, though it was all new animation and really hard to make, Episode 317, “The Ember Island Players.” Our heroes went to a play where they saw themselves and their tales performed by actors on stage. It was simultaneously a reckoning for the characters before they headed into the denouement, and a lighthearted romp where we got to poke fun at our own show before things got really serious in the remaining episodes. Korra’s “Remembrances” ended up serving the same function, albeit with old footage instead of a newly animated play. There is about 5 minutes of new footage, wonderfully animated by Studio Mir, and a bunch of funny and touching narration from the characters. There are also some fun chibi heads and other treats in there to spice up the old footage.

過去《降世神通:最後的氣宗》,我們做過功能類似總集篇的東西,雖然用全新的動畫內容,且花費很大心力製作,那就是EP317《The Ember Island Players》。我們的主角希望有一齣戲劇,能讓他們在舞台上看到他們傳奇故事被演員演繹,也趁在邁向結局前檢視各個角色,同時也是在接下來剩餘集數都很嚴肅的狀態下,對自己節目惡作劇一下的輕鬆時刻。Korra的《Remembrances》最終也變成相同功能,不過差異使用是舊有片段,而不是新的動畫演出。然而仍有約5分鐘,由Studio Mir所製作之出色動畫的新片段,並有著大量角色有趣又感觸的敘述。還有一些有趣的Q版大頭,另外還有其他的加料在舊片段中。

What started out as a reluctant chore ended up being a really fun episode to make, and in the end I truly love it. Mike did an awesome job directing it and storyboarding all the chibi hilarity, as well as overseeing the wonderful script by Josh Hamilton, Katie Mattila, and Tim Hedrick. Joaquim Dos Santos, Ryu Ki Hyun, and Lauren Montgomery drew fantastic storyboards for the new footage (particularly Lauren’s insane Varrick posing). Lots of other folks worked their tails off on this one, namely Amaris Calvin, our animatics editor; Christie Tseng, our character designer who drew and colored all of the final chibi art; Matt Gadbois, our After Effects artist; and Chris Hink, our final picture editor. Last but not least, Aran Tanchum and Vinny Guisetti on foley, Benjamin Wynn on sound design, and a stellar new score with all your favorite hits by Jeremy Zuckerman. And plenty of other fine folks I’m forgetting!

從心不甘情不願的起頭,演變成製作上非常有樂趣的一集,最終我真的很喜歡這集。Mike做了在Q版大頭間的喧鬧上做了出色的導演與分鏡,同時Josh Hamilton、Katie Mattila等人監修劇本,有Tim Hedrick、Joaquim Dos Santos、Ryu Ki Hyun與Lauren Montgomery為新片段畫了很棒的分鏡(特別是Lauren瘋狂的Varrick姿勢),還有很多其他人在這集盡心盡力,列舉名字如Amaris Calvin,我們的動態分鏡編輯;我們的角色設計師Christie Tseng,她繪製,並上色所有最終的Q版大頭;Matt Gadbois,我們的後製效果師,與Chris Hink,我們的正片剪輯師,最後,但並非全部,Aran Tanchum與Vinny Guisetti在效果音製作,Benjamin Wynn負責聲音設計,還有大家最愛的Jeremy Zuckerman製作了一首傑出的新配樂。還有許多其他,但我沒提到的優秀人士。

So now you know what it is and why it happened. I hope you do end up enjoying it after all, especially as a last lighthearted, nostalgic romp before POOP. GETS. REAL. And then the series is done.


Love, Bryan

P.S. I forgot to mention our cast’s amazing performances, especially John Michael Higgins’ million words a minute as Varrick in act three!

愛你們的 Bryan

P.S.我忘了提到我們配音員出色的演出,特別是擔任Varrick的John Michael Higgins在第三幕那個字詞連發。


2014年11月17日 星期一



Bryan今天在他的Tumblr貼上一張石碑照片,並藉此跟大家分享獅龜(Lion Turtle)的靈感來源。

It was a statue in Seoul much like this one that provided Mike and I the initial inspiration for the lion-turtles back in the spring of 2003. In the pilot opening, you can see Aang whizzing around on an air scooter in front of a massive lion-turtle statue. I’m not sure why we didn’t make that the same statue in the ATLA series version of that opening shot.

這是一個首爾的石碑,很像那張我給Mike,2003年春天啟發我想出獅龜的最初靈感照片。在試作版開頭介紹,你能看到Aang在一個巨大獅龜雕像前面滑著Air Scooter。我忘了我們沒有把相同雕像放在正式版《降世神通:最後的氣宗》開頭介紹的確切原因。







2014年11月16日 星期日

[TLoK]Book4 EP8預覽片段


《The Legend of Korra》Book4 EP8 - Remembrances (回憶)的預覽片段。

[TLoK]Studio Mir舉辦《寇菈傳奇》完成慶功派對


Studio Mir似乎已完成所有《The Legend of Korra》集數的動畫製作,他們舉辦一場完工派對與兩位目前正在南韓首爾的降世神通之父Mike、Bryan一同慶祝。


Celebrating the (almost) completion of #korra last night with #StudioMir and #StudioReve artists. It's been a long, wild road.

昨晚與Studio Mir、Studio Reve美術人員慶祝Korra的(幾乎)完成,這真是一條遙遠、瘋狂的路程。


Yu Jae Myung and Studio Mir hosted a wonderful wrap party for the Korra animation crew last night. Mike and I started working with Jae Myung (the man with the shiny cake sword) on the Avatar pilot in the summer of 2003, then all through the original series, and now on 45 episodes of Korra. We’ve been through a lot together in the last 11 years, so it was nice to celebrate the (fast-approaching) end of another artistic journey together. Thanks to all of the great people at Studio Mir and Studio Reve who work so hard to make Korra come to life on screen! The finish line is so close!

Yu Jae Myung與Studio Mir昨晚為Korra動畫工作人員舉辦一個很棒的完工派對。Mike與我跟Jae Myung(拿著閃亮蛋糕刀的人)從2003年夏天,降世神通試作版就開始合作,一直延續到所以最初的系列(《降世神通:最後的氣宗》),還有現在45集的Korra。我們這11年歷經很多事,所以一同慶祝這又一個(即將結束)藝術之旅的結束是很棒的。感謝所有Studio Mir與Studio Reve傑出人員的辛勤努力讓Korra活耀在螢幕上!終點線就快到了!


Yu Jae Myung,Studio Mir總裁,Korra系列的動畫總監


Studio Mir似乎還有內部試映?

Mike與Bryan之所以一直說「幾乎完成」,是因為Studio Mir的動畫製作完後,還有配樂、顏色校正、補配音等等後製工作要做,所以對他們來說是「幾乎完成」。

除了完工派對,Mike與Bryan造訪南韓也讓Studio Mir趁機舉辦了一場南韓Korra粉絲見面會,真是羨慕啊~~~




Studio Mir put together an impromptu Q&A and signing for Korra fans in Seoul yesterday. The questions were really thoughtful and led to some in-depth discussion. Mike and I had a great time meeting everyone. Thanks for coming out, and thanks to Yu Jae Myung and Mir for hosting!

Studio Mir昨天為南韓Korra粉絲舉辦一個結合即興問答與簽名會的活動。那些提問真的很深入,引發一些深度討論。Mike與我很高興與大家見面。感謝大家的共襄盛舉,並感謝主辦活動的Yu Jae Myung與Mir!


2014年11月15日 星期六

[翻譯]The Legend of Korra - S2E20 - Reunion (Book4 EP7)



2014年11月13日 星期四

[TLoK] Mike&Bryan在南韓埋頭製作Book4最終回


降世神通的兩位創造者Bryan與Mike,目前正在南韓首爾的Studio Mir就近參與《The Legend of Korra》Book4 EP13動畫製作,上圖是Mike在Studio Mir儲放動畫稿件場所的留影。


Mike DiMartino amidst a stockpile of animation drawings at Studio Mir in Seoul. Each folder is a single shot of hand-drawn animation. So… many… drawings…. (This photo was Mike’s idea. I stole it. But he’s in the pic so it’s all good.)

Mike DiMartino在首爾Studio Mir的動畫稿件放置區。每個資料袋是一個鏡頭的手繪動畫稿件。非常、非常多的手繪稿件...(這照片是Mike的點子,我把他偷來,不過他在照片裡頭,所以沒關係)







Took a brisk break from working on retakes at Studio Mir to catch the sunset, 200 feet above Seoul.

在Studio Mir忙著動畫修正時,趁日落時做了個短暫休息,首爾200呎之上。



Bryan and after effects artist Matt Gadbois taking a break on the chilly roof overlooking Seoul.

Bryan與後製效果師Matt Gadbois在一個可以俯瞰首爾街景的寒冷屋頂上偷閒。

一般美式動畫代工,修正(retake)通常是動畫公司把初步完成的動畫寄給在美國的委託人,委託人審查後再提出須修正的地方,顯然Bryan與Mike親自到Studio Mir,省去這段往來時間,並能更直接與動畫製作人員溝通,而且還有後製效果的人員也一起去韓國,看起來真的是很重視呢。

2014年11月9日 星期日



降世神通的創作者Mike表示,他與Bryan這周因為《The Legend of Korra》Book4最後一集的製作關係,前往南韓首爾的Studio Mir!

Heading to studio Mir in Seoul with Bryan K. for the week to work on the finale episodes. What we’ve seen so far looks incredible! #vscocam #squaready

他說目前所看到Book4 EP13的東西都棒透了。

上週他們倆去上David Faustino(Mako配音者)的廣播節目,談最後一季的製作進度,他們就已經說過Studio Mir目前正在進行Book4 EP12後半,與整個EP13的動畫製作,而The Track Team的Jeremy也在為EP12配樂。看來他們這週是親自前往南韓監看《The Legend of Korra》最後集數的製作。

其實Korra Book1也是邊製作邊播放,所以不用太意外,為何在播出了,動畫卻還沒製作完成。相信Korra的主創團隊,還有動畫製作的Studio Mir與Studio Rev(輔助Mir的另一間韓國動畫公司,從Book3就參與了),應該不會讓我們失望。

[TLoK]Book4 EP7預覽片段


《The Legend of Korra》Book4 EP7 - Reunion (重聚)的預覽片段。

[翻譯]The Legend of Korra - S2E19 - The Battle of Zaofu (Book4 EP6)



2014年11月5日 星期三

[TLoK] Book4將在11月28日首次在電視播出


對Nick系列頻道消息一直很靈通的NickAndMore在其推特表示《The Legend of Korra》Book4將在美國時間11月28日在電視上首播。

NickAndMore表示Nick將在美國東部時間11月28日晚上9點,於旗下的「Nicktoons」頻道做《The Legend of Korra》Book4的電視首播,當天將連播三集!



另外《The Legend of Korra》Book4在各影音平台的表現也都很強,每次新集數推出時,在iTune、Google Play、Xbox Video、Amazon等地方都會衝上該分類前五,甚至是全類型前五。

2014年11月1日 星期六

[TLoK]Book4 EP6預覽片段


Nick釋出《The Legend of Korra》Book4 EP6的預覽片段。

[翻譯]The Legend of Korra - S2E18 - Enemy at the Gates (Book4 EP5)


Earth Empire統一之路只差一步,現在Kuvira將所有軍隊開往那尚不屈服的最後城市。