2014年12月11日 星期四

[TLoK] Bryan談Bolin的Book4新服裝



For Bolin’s new Book 4 outfit, I wanted to give him a brown leather jacket inspired by Dave Stevens’ comic character The Rocketeer, which was also made into a film in 1991, directed by Joe Johnston––who also directed Captain America: The First Avenger, set in a similar time period as The Rocketeer. Both films have great costumes and art direction, for my tastes. I thought everybody knew about The Rocketeer, but the young kids in our design department had never heard of it––probably because they were being born when the movie came out!

Bolin的Book4新服裝,我想給他由由Dave Stevens的漫畫角色「火箭人」啟發,一件棕色皮革夾克。《火箭人》也曾在1991年拍成電影,由Joe Johnston執導,他也執導《美國隊長:復仇者先鋒》,該電影也設定在與《火箭人》類似時代。以我的觀點,兩部電影都有很棒的服裝設計與美術指導。我以為大家都知道火箭人,但我們設計部門的年輕人們從沒聽過它-可能是因為電影推出後他們才出生。


I love the iconic front panel on Stevens’ design, but too many buttons are a burden on animators and would have led to too many retakes (and we had already done that to a lesser degree on Amon’s jacket). While looking for reference for other vintage jackets, I came across an awesome, sleek, contemporary jacket on Etsy by designer Sarah Trost (the third picture above). I’m thinking she was inspired by Stevens too, seeing as how her jacket is called “The Rocket.”

我很喜歡Stevens標誌性的衣服前襟設計,但太多鈕扣會給動畫師造成負擔,而且可能導致很多作畫修正(況且,我們也已經在Amon的夾克做過規模較小的類似設計),我在尋找其他復古夾克參考時,偶然在Etsy 網站發現到一件由Sarah Trost設計,出色、時髦的當代夾克(第三張圖)。我想她也是受Stevens的啟發,看她把她的夾克叫做「火箭」可知。


For Bolin’s version, I combined elements of both designs, and put a few of my own touches on it, especially on the collar. Trost’s jacket is for sale, but unlike the mass-produced boots I used for inspiration on Korra’s Book 4 outfit, this thing is handmade, one of a kind, and pricey! If one non-vegan cosplayer has a big wad of cash to burn and the dedication to do so, you can find it in size 38/40 here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/63506996/the-rocket-jacket-in-leather

Bolin身上穿的那件,我結合兩款設計的元素,並放點我自己的風格在裏頭,特別是領口部分。Trost的夾克正在販賣中,但不像給我Korra Book4服裝靈感,那款大量生產的靴子,這夾克是手工製作,非常特別,也很貴!要是口袋有大把現金可花的cosplayer 你可以在以下網址找到38/40尺碼的夾克:https://www.etsy.com/listing/63506996/the-rocket-jacket-in-leather

3 則留言:

  1. 對動畫人員來說

  2. 32189……夭壽貴
