2014年11月16日 星期日

[TLoK]Studio Mir舉辦《寇菈傳奇》完成慶功派對


Studio Mir似乎已完成所有《The Legend of Korra》集數的動畫製作,他們舉辦一場完工派對與兩位目前正在南韓首爾的降世神通之父Mike、Bryan一同慶祝。


Celebrating the (almost) completion of #korra last night with #StudioMir and #StudioReve artists. It's been a long, wild road.

昨晚與Studio Mir、Studio Reve美術人員慶祝Korra的(幾乎)完成,這真是一條遙遠、瘋狂的路程。


Yu Jae Myung and Studio Mir hosted a wonderful wrap party for the Korra animation crew last night. Mike and I started working with Jae Myung (the man with the shiny cake sword) on the Avatar pilot in the summer of 2003, then all through the original series, and now on 45 episodes of Korra. We’ve been through a lot together in the last 11 years, so it was nice to celebrate the (fast-approaching) end of another artistic journey together. Thanks to all of the great people at Studio Mir and Studio Reve who work so hard to make Korra come to life on screen! The finish line is so close!

Yu Jae Myung與Studio Mir昨晚為Korra動畫工作人員舉辦一個很棒的完工派對。Mike與我跟Jae Myung(拿著閃亮蛋糕刀的人)從2003年夏天,降世神通試作版就開始合作,一直延續到所以最初的系列(《降世神通:最後的氣宗》),還有現在45集的Korra。我們這11年歷經很多事,所以一同慶祝這又一個(即將結束)藝術之旅的結束是很棒的。感謝所有Studio Mir與Studio Reve傑出人員的辛勤努力讓Korra活耀在螢幕上!終點線就快到了!


Yu Jae Myung,Studio Mir總裁,Korra系列的動畫總監


Studio Mir似乎還有內部試映?

Mike與Bryan之所以一直說「幾乎完成」,是因為Studio Mir的動畫製作完後,還有配樂、顏色校正、補配音等等後製工作要做,所以對他們來說是「幾乎完成」。

除了完工派對,Mike與Bryan造訪南韓也讓Studio Mir趁機舉辦了一場南韓Korra粉絲見面會,真是羨慕啊~~~




Studio Mir put together an impromptu Q&A and signing for Korra fans in Seoul yesterday. The questions were really thoughtful and led to some in-depth discussion. Mike and I had a great time meeting everyone. Thanks for coming out, and thanks to Yu Jae Myung and Mir for hosting!

Studio Mir昨天為南韓Korra粉絲舉辦一個結合即興問答與簽名會的活動。那些提問真的很深入,引發一些深度討論。Mike與我很高興與大家見面。感謝大家的共襄盛舉,並感謝主辦活動的Yu Jae Myung與Mir!


2 則留言:

  1. 我會好好珍惜後面的每一集,好久沒看到這麼有品質的卡通了QQ
