2014年6月11日 星期三



《The Legend of Korra》的創作人Bryan在其網誌上談了關於上週末發生的Book 3洩露事件。

Howdy, friends. As you have likely already heard, four episodes from Book 3 were leaked this past weekend. It is bad enough that it happened at all, but it would have been a little less of a disaster had it at least been the first four episodes of the season. Instead, the third through the sixth episodes popped out online, causing confusion and, at least on our end of things, frustration. As you all know, these episodes take a ton of concerted effort from scores of individuals. We craft these continuous storylines and the animation as best we can, and hope that they are presented in a way that allows everyone to enjoy them to the fullest. But when leaks happen, the work we meticulously prepared for the audience is fumbled unceremoniously.

Nickelodeon is obviously a massive corporation with outlets all over the world. These outlets get the episodes in advance so they can translate and dub them for their markets. We typically deliver the episodes to the network quite close to their U.S. premieres, but in the case of Book 3, we have actually already finished the entire season as of last week. The network has some plans in the works for it and needs to wait on its release, so we have been keeping quiet while keeping our noses to the Book 4 grindstone. Unfortunately, the longer the episodes sit on all these shelves all over the world, the probability of leaks increases.

So, yeah… It is unfortunate it played out this way. Hopefully it won’t be too much longer before Book 3 is released properly and with respect to all the people who worked hard to make it and to the audience who wants to watch it.





Nick的戲劇、動畫在電視播出後,一兩天後都會開放在Nick網站免費線上觀賞,這也是歐美許多電視台流行的做法。Nick在播出《The Legend of Korra》Book 1時也不例外,不過當時發生一個問題,Nick把尚未播出的集數先行放上網站伺服器,只不過沒把網址公開,所以一般人在網站上是找不到。問題是觀賞頁面的網址是循規則生成,你只要知道規則或方法,你就能猜到後面集數的網址。為數眾多的神通迷們,就有某些人找到規則,從Nick官網抓下已放上伺服器但尚未播出的集數。這就是Book 1播出途中為何一直有截圖與劇情洩漏的原因。(現在去查看本站Book1播出時期的文章,還能看到當時那些洩漏的相關文章,這種情形直到Book 1播出中期Nick才發覺)Nick經過那次教訓後學乖了,至少現在不能用相同辦法在北美Nick官網挖到未播出的劇集。

北美之外的某些地區Nick網站也有這種播出後放上網的習慣,例如這次出包的墨西哥Nick官網。他們犯了類似當年北美Nick總部在Book1上犯的錯,把尚未播出的Book3集數給先放到伺服器上。個人推測,他們應該是只放Book3的EP3到EP6,故意不放EP1與EP2,(可能是認為那種知道網址規則的人,找不到Book 3的EP1與EP2就會認為它們還沒有Book3之後也沒有放上來,當然也有可能單純是便宜行事就是...)所以洩漏只有EP3到EP6。

經過兩次慘痛的教訓,《The Legend of Korra》 未來應該不會再因這種原因而洩漏了吧,雖然只剩下Book4而已...

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