Tomorrow night is a one-hour Korra special, and the first episode of the pair is Chapter 11, “Night of a Thousand Stars,” a hilarious and dynamic script written by Josh Hamilton. Colin Heck did an amazing job directing this one, which feels like two episodes jammed into three acts every time I watch it. The image above is the movie poster featured in the episode, drawn by Christie Tseng, characters colored by Sylvia Filcak-Blackwolf, background painted by Emily Tetri, and art directed by me. It was based on a retro movie poster Nuktuk illustration Colin drew for fun early in Book 2. Studio Mir (back in the saddle for the remainder of Korra’s run) did incredible work on a tall order for this episode, once again. 8:00pm/7c Friday!
More news coming soon…
明晚是一小時特別節目,前半部是第11集「繁星之夜」,其歡樂又動感的劇本由Josh Hamilton負責,Colin Heck在這集做了很棒的導演工作,讓我每次看都覺得這兩集塞進三幕結構*。上圖是第11集會出現的電影海報,由Christie Tseng所畫,Sylvia Filcak-Blackwolf為人物上色,Emily Tetri負責背景繪製,由我負責美術指導。這張圖是基於Colin在Book2早期隨興所繪一張納塔克復古電影海報。Studio Mir(在剩下的集數回歸)在本集高要求下完成了不可思議的成果。再度強調,星期五晚上8點!