《Voltron》是1980年代,美國World Events Productions購買日本東映動畫本來毫無關聯的兩部作品《百獸王》(百獣王ゴライオン)與《機甲艦隊》(機甲艦隊ダイラガーXV)版權,將之融合改編而成,當年在北美播出後獲得巨大成功,周邊商品跟著大賣,是美國1980年代孩童的童年回憶*。而後在1998、2011年推出關聯作品,但回響都不太好。這回夢工廠取得《Voltron》授權,加上許多原《The Legend of Korra》幕後成員加持,這回的《Voltron:Legendary Defender》應該較能令人期待。
Five unsuspecting teenagers, transported from Earth into the middle of a sprawling intergalactic war, become pilots for five robotic lions in the battle to protect the universe from evil. Only through the true power of teamwork can they unite to form the mighty warrior known as Voltron: Legendary Defender.