Zaheer 查希爾
This dangerous warrior-poet is the master of mind, body and spirit. Now that he's an Airbender, Zaheer is an even bigger threat to the Avatar.
Bryan有在Tumblr上特別介紹Zaheer 的配音Henry Rollins:
We are thrilled to announce Henry Rollins as the voice of the Book 3 main villain, Zaheer. Henry did a brilliant turn in this role, taking it very seriously from the get-go, going so far as to conduct an in-depth interview about the character, his background, and his motivations with Mike and me on the phone while he was on a spoken word tour––all before he even recorded his audition. If you aren’t familiar with Henry (likely because you were born in the ’90s or ’00s), he is a legendary punk singer, actor, speaker, activist, and radio DJ. He had a hilarious role in our buddy Kurt Mattila’s co-directorial debut, Lies & Alibis. We heard from Kurt back then how incredibly friendly Henry is and what a pleasure he is to work with, and he exceeded even that glowing report. Hearing Henry’s tales of his fearless travels around the world is a real treat. As Mike says, “He actually is The Most Interesting Man In The World.”
我們很興奮的宣布Henry Rollins擔任我們Book3主要反派Zaheer的配音,Henry在這角色繳出亮眼的成績。他一開始就非常重視這項工作,他甚至在他的Spoken Word巡迴期間,以電話與Mike和我,針對該角色的背景、動機等做了極深入的訪談-這些甚至是在他錄試音之前做的。假如你們對他不太熟悉(大概因為你們出生在90或2000年代),他是傳奇的龐克歌手、演員、行動家與廣播DJ。他在我們好兄弟Kurt Mattila聯合執導的處女作《Lies & Alibis》 (*台灣把這部電影翻作《偷情謊言》,中國翻作《藉口》)中有個爆笑的角色,我們從Kurt口中聽說Henry人有多好相處並且對與他合作感到非常榮幸,實際相會,他比傳說中還要更好 。聽Henry那些在世界各地大膽的旅行經驗真是一大享受,就如Mike說的:「他真的是世界上最有趣的人了。」
《The Legend of Korra》Book3首播之後,國外論壇有些人批評Zaheer的聲音選得不好,我倒不覺得不搭,這種哲學型反派配這種沒什麼情緒起伏的聲音還蠻好的,而且Henry Rollins本身其實和Zaheer就長得蠻像的,他本人才能也是多到恐怖,很適合為一個身心靈都到大師境界的人配音, 哈XD
Ghazan 合贊
Ghazan is a powerful Earthbender with the rare ability to lavabend. He's been imprisoned for thirteen years and is prepared to fight.
Ghazan是個能使用稀少技能 -熔岩御術的強大御土師。他被關了十三年並隨時準備好戰鬥。
美國的演員、配音員Peter Giles擔任Ghazan的配音,參與過電影《沒問題先生》(Yes Man)、影集《犯罪現場:紐約》(CSI:NY)等影視作品的演出,另外還有許多動畫、電玩的配音,包括Avatar的電玩(不過是另一個Avatar…阿凡達)。
Ming-Hua 明華
Ming-Hua uses her waterbending abilities to create powerful appendages that help her defeat her enemies. She is one of the most fearsome benders around.
Ming-Hua就是我們的Azula公主Grey DeLisle!Grey DeLisle終於在《The Legend of Korra》有重要角色!她之前還提到在Book3還有幫另一個重要角色配音,她說是某過去受過創傷角色的年輕時期。如果看過之前各集劇情大綱大概就猜得到是誰了...
Queen Hou-Ting 女皇后廷
This queen's ego is bigger than all of Earth Kingdom, which she unfortunately rules. She cares more about her possessions than her people.
Hou-Ting很明顯是個中文名字,且聽起來會直接想到一個詞 - 「後庭」。「後庭」除了一般意思指後花園之外,中文裡可以指「玉樹後庭花」,這是南朝末代皇帝-陳後主陳叔寶所做的歌曲,自古就被人當作「亡國之音」...不知道製作小組有沒有刻意的引用、暗示或者只是個巧合,沒有任何含意?
Hou-Ting的配音是Jayne Taini,是美國的女演員、配音員。
Kai 凱
Don't let his scrappy appearance fool you. This orphan of the Earth Kingdom just discovered his Airbending abilities, and he's ready to fight.
Mike有貼出他與Kai配音Skyler Brigmann的照片:
Skyler Brigmann是美國的演員、配音員,看起來頗有Kai真人版的感覺。
Lord Zuko 烈火君蘇科
He is the retired Fire Lord and an incredibly intimidating Firebender. Though he lives on Ember Island, he still travels as an ambassador for world balance.
Zuko老年版就跟其他舊角色一樣,換了配音。老年Zuko配音是美國演員Bruce Davison,他演過《X戰警2》(X-Men 2),那個被萬磁王抓去做把普通人轉成變種人試驗的那位參議員(實驗後逃掉,但最終死於實驗失敗溶解掉的那位)
Suyin Beifong 北方素音
Half-sister to Chief Lin Beifong and daughter of Toph Beifong, this powerful Metalbender built the city of Zaofu and she is its leader.
Toph Beifong的女兒,Lin Beifong的異父妹,她是個強大的御金術師,建立城市Zaofu,並且是其領袖。
Suyin配音是好萊塢知名女星Anne Heche,演過與Harrison Ford(哈里遜福特)主演過電影《六天七夜》(Six Days Seven Nights)。Anne Heche主要活躍的領域是電影、影集,配音是她比較少涉足的領域,不過她還是配過美國兒童電視節目《Higglytown Heroes》,還有客串過一集《探險活寶》(Adventure Time),配Cherry Cream Soda。
Opal 歐珀
Gentle and soft spoken, Opal is the only daughter of Suyin Beifong and recently discovered she has the ability to airbend.
溫和且說話輕聲細語,Opal是Suyin Beifong兒女中唯一的女兒,並且最近發現她有御氣的能力。
Opal的配音Alyson Stoner是美國演員、舞者、歌手。過去在多部迪士尼的青春喜劇中活躍。
P'Li 霹靂
P'Li is an intense Firebender with the rare ability to combustion-bend, creating explosions from a distance.
P’Li的配音是美國華裔女演員Kristy Wu,演過《魔法奇兵》(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)等多部影集,但看她的履歷,這好像是第一次配音演出。降世神通裡不乏有華裔的人參與配音,例如算命婆吳媽(周采芹配音)、包氏茶館的包(George Cheung配音),配到主要角色的,Kristy Wu好像這是第一位?
Korra人設師Angela Song Mueller的P’Li五分鐘速寫,Bryan還補充道P’Li的原始概念是Angela Song Mueller設計,最終設計是他與Angela Song Mueller共同完成。